About Editors
Dr Madhaw Singh Baghel
Former Chairman, Ayurveda Chair, Department of Pharmacology & Phytotherapy, Medical School, University of Debrecen, 4032 Debrecen, Hungary & Former Director, Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar- 361 008 Gujarat, India.

Prof. Madhaw Singh Baghel was born in 1953 in Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has pursued in graduate education in Ayurveda from State Ayurveda College, Lucknow and later doctor of medicine in Ayurveda and obtained doctoral degree in Ayurveda from prestigious Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar.
He is teacher par excellence with more than 33 years of postgradate and doctoral teaching at different various capcacities as lecturer, reader and professor. His areas of specialization are general medicine (Kayachikitsa), Pancakarma and Ayurveda pathology (Rogavijnana). Prof. M S. Baghel has served as Chairman, Ayurveda Chair at Department of Pharmacology & Phytotherapy, Medical School, University of Debrecen,
4032 Debrecen, Hungary during 2014-15. Chair is instituted by Ministry of AYUSH, GoI, New Delhi.
Research Expertise :
Dr Baghel has supervised 21 doctoral researches (Ph D) and 71 doctorate thesis works. He has published 135 research papers in various national journals/ souvenirs. He is editor / member of editoral board / reviewer in several journals such as AYU (a peer Review Journal), IJAR, JAIM and JREIM. He has authored 6 books and monographs especially a book by name Vikriti Evam Roga Vijnana is special one to be mentioned.
Current website was first published as Directory by name “Researches in Ayurveda (A Classified Directory of all India P.G & Ph.D. Theses)” in 1997 and second edition in 2005. This unique work is widely appreciated and accepted in Ayurvedic academic circle.
Extension Activities :
He has delivered >71 extension lectures, guest speeches, key note addresses and plenary talks. He has attended 107 international, national and regional seminars. He has contributed in several prestigious projects and national issues as he was nominated by CSIR as member of Advisory Board of Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology, New Delhi from January 2013. He is member of Governing Body of CCRAS, New Delhi and Morarji Desai Institute of Yoga Research, New Delhi since August 2012.
Adminstrative Experience:
He is a very efficient adminstrator who has served as Director for 12 years at IPGT&RA (August 2006 to Dec, 2014), GAU, Jamnagar; Vice Chancellor (I/c), Gujarat Ayurveda University, (March 2008 to Jan 2010); Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Traditional medicine. Director of National Resource Centre of Pharmacoviglance of ASU Drugs of dept of AYUSH, at IPGTRA, G A U, Jamnagar in 2008; Director, International Centre of Ayurvedic Studies, Gujarat Ayurved University (June, 2001- August, 2006).
Leadership Qualities:
His laudable leadership has lead to designation of the Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar as WHO Collaborating Centre for Traditional medicine during his tenure of Director. Besides this, grading of IPGT & RA as best academic Institution Dept of AYUSH in its internal survey.
Foreign Visits:
Dr Baghel has visited several countries to spread Ayurveda, namely - Kandy, Srilanka (2014), Kunming, China (2014), Beijing, China (2012), Switzerland (2010), Berlin Germany (2010), Normandy, France (2010), Seoul, South Korea (2009), St Petersburg, Russia (2008), Budapest, Hungary (2007) Birstien, Germany (2005), Milan, Italy (2006), Pyongyang, DPR Korea (2005). He has visited China and South Korea under the award of WHO Fellowship to study the clinical research in 1991.
Awards and Accolades:
Dr MS Baghel is recipient of several awards and accolades namely - Ayurveda Martanda by All India Ayurvedic Specialist (PG) Association New Delhi September 2010; Vishva Ayurveda Ratna (India) awarded by International Academy of Ayurvedic Physicians at Udupi in 2008; Ayurveda Bhushana award by All India PG (Specialist) Association in 2005 at Chandigarh in lieu of publication of book Researches in Ayurveda; Ram Narayan Sharma Best Teacher Award for the Year 2003 by All India Ayurvedic Teachers Association of India in 2004.
After retirement, Dr Baghel is busy in putting his expertise in the form of scholarly books and he is the Chief Editor of this website, which is helping postgraduate and doctorate scholars alike.
Dr MS Baghel can be contacted on madhawbaghel@gmail.com / baghelayu@rediffmail.com
Dr Girish KJ
Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Patanjali Bharatiya Ayurvigyan Evam Anusandhan Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase-I, Maharishi Dayanand Gram, Delhi-Haridwar National Highway-58 , Haridwar-249405, Uttarakhand, India
Dr Girish KJ was born in Koppa, Chikmagalore district, Karnataka in 1975. He has completed primary and secondary education at Koppa town and did graduation from University of Mysore, Mysore in 1998 and postgraduation and doctorate from prestigious Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar in 2002 and 2007 respectively in Kayachikitsa specialty. He is pupil of Dr Madhaw Singh Baghel, Professor and Former Director of Institute for Postgraduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar during doctoral studies.
He is an expert in information technology and he actively encourages colleagues and students to adopt innovative teaching methods and aids. He has prepared digital database of postgraduate theses of all specialties from Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (currently known as Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda - ITRA), Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar, Gujarat which has seen 7 editions. The latest 7th edition is addition to current stock of knowledge with facility to search 1000 full theses from year 2001-2018. He is key in managing many journals such as Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine, Jnanasrotas as technical support as well as peer reviewer in several prestigious journals. He has published several original research papers in national journals.
He has served as Professor in Department of Kayachikitsa since March, 2012 at Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka (www.sdmcahhassan.org) He has played important role in encouraging and propagating research among faculty members and scholars while he was research co-ordinator and Member Secretary, Institutional Ethics Committee. He has been invited as resource person in several workshops on research methodology. Besides teaching undergraduate students, he has guided handful of postgraduate and doctoral theses. He has been awarded with Best Teacher for year-2011 and 2022 at SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka. He has specialized in Vajikarana Tantra i.e. management of male infertility and male sexual problems. He is known for his friendly and approachable nature with colleagues and students.
Dr Girish KJ can be contacted through email on girideepa@yahoo.co.in and mobile phone +91-944 864 6855.