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RESEARCHES IN AYURVEDA - A Searchable Directory Titles Of All India Ayurvedic PG And Ph D Theses (Third / Web Edition)
Prof Madhaw Singh Baghel M D (Ay.), Ph D
Former Chairman, Ayurveda Chair, Department of Pharmacology & Phytotherapy, Medical School, University of Debrecen, 4032 Debrecen, Hungary & Former Director, Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar-361 008, Gujarat, India
Dr Girish KJ M D (Ay.), Ph D
Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Patanjali Bharatiya Ayurvigyan Evam Anusandhan Sansthan, Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase-I, Maharishi Dayanand Gram, Delhi-Haridwar National Highway-58 , Haridwar-249405, Uttarakhand, India
Background :
Postgraduate education in Ayurveda started more than fifty years ago in Jamnagar. Since then good number of research works have been conducted at various postgraduate centre of Ayurveda in India. The observation and results of these research works have been submitted in the form of PG and Ph D theses. Unfortunately, very few these works have been published in journals; others remained in libraries of respective institutes. Subsequently, research scholars studying in other institutes could not take the advantage and benefit of them while planning their research projects due to lack of communication and non-availability of information regarding the previous research works on respective disciplines.
"Researches in Ayurveda" was first published in 1997 with nearly 4100 theses titles. It was received very positively by Research scholars from all over the country. In second edition (2005), update about research works of researchers in the field of Ayurveda, about 7600 theses titles of P G and Ph D works conducted at 50 Ayurveda Postgraduate institutes were presented in directory in well classified form. The directory was divided into two parts - First part contains a detailed chapter on Past and Present scenario of PG education in Ayurveda followed by list of thesis titles of various institutes of Ayurveda, year and department-wise. Second part of the directory contains classified subject indices in alphabetical order viz. General Index, which includes general principles of Ayurveda and special procedures. Pharmacological Actions and Therapeutic usage-wise Index Disease wise classification Index of Single herbs Compound Drugs including mineral and metals Index of Classical text and works.
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In this Third and Website Edition is one step ahead in an effort to keep the information up-to-date. The current version is presented in easy, searchable form to the PG Scholars of Ayurveda, which contains 20,000 titles from more than 60 PG institutes of Ayurveda. Keywords may be searched in the ‘Search Form’ and results will be displayed ‘Departmentwise’. Scholars cannot search the Directory by name of college, year, department and specialty.
The online directory is very useful to research scholars who are venturing to prepare their research projects in the field of Ayurveda, Herbal and traditional medicine. This publication will also be helpful to Research and Development (R&D) scientists of various pharmaceutical companies in the field of Ayurvedic and herbal medicines. It will be also useful for the foreign fellows working in the field Ayurveda, herbal and traditional systems of medicine. Being an important document, it will also lend a hand to historians in sketching the descent and development of Ayurveda in post-dependence India.